Friday, October 29, 2010



I can honestly say that I NEVER would have expected the response we got to our little "Crazy Mixed-Up Song" piece the other day!!!

I considered this one to be more of a "throw-away" / "filler" piece, leading up to our regular "Helping Out Our Readers" Series ... but the response has been nothing short of PHENOMENAL!!! Nearly 50 emails before noon ... and more than twice that many more trickling in all night and the following day ... in fact, there were a couple more this morning! (I am always amazed by which material hits the "hot button" with our readers ... it just goes to prove that you NEVER know what's going to get a good reaction!)

MOST of them say pretty much the same thing ... so we've singled out a few of the more interesting exceptions ... and, the general consensus seems to be that we're probably MOST familiar with this song thanks to its inclusion as the closing piece on "Sing Along With Mitch" way back when. (We just lost Mitch Miller a couple of months ago ... how sad that he didn't get to see any of this reaction before he passed away!)

Anyway, today's column is devoted to all of our Web-Footed Friends!!!
(Lord love a duck!!!)

Read on ...

Hey Kent!
I remember that song! Not sure who did it but, if I remember correctly, the chorus was to the tune of a patriotic song, something about the Red, White and Blue. And for some reason, I can hear kazoos during the chorus.
Hmmm ... could be wrong, but ... you know, most of us are at the "CRS" age and what we DO "remember" isn't right anyway! LOL Have a great weekend! Sharon {TokeiTwo}

Listening to this, I now realize that "Crazy Mixed-Up Song" is not at all the song I thought you were looking for when you sent your initial email request. However, I may have some insight into the version that you remember. Could it be the Mitch Miller version? Mitch always ended his Sing Along With Mitch TV programs with "Be Kind to Your Web-Footed Friends" and, on the first Sing Along album, paired this with "Bell-Bottom Trousers" to close out side 2. That's where I remember hearing the chorus of "Crazy Mixed-Up Song."
Now if I could only figure out what song I had in mind when you first mentioned that title . . . Ed44

>>>Be kind to your web-footed friends
For a duck may be somebody's brother.
Be kind to the denizen of the swamp;
He's a dilly through and through.
[Alternate line: Where the weather's always damp]
You may think that this is the end,
Well it is. (Lee Hartsfield)

This part of the song was sung by Mitch Miller and the Gang on his show, and appears on the album "Sing Along With Mitch."

Hi Kent,
This song was sung at the end of every "Sing Along with Mitch" show in the 60's ... and since my Granny loved Mitch, and there was but one TV, I too had to watch Mitch! That's where I heard it ... for what it's worth!
Woody Johnson

Look at this link:
I remembered the "Crazy Mixed-Up Song" right away, too.
We used to have this Mitch Miller album, and I remember singing along to "Be Kind To Your Web Footed Friends" while marching around the living room.
Hope this helps.
Lol ... oh, I'd PAY to see video footage of THAT!!! (lol) Yep, if you grew up singing along with Mitch, it seems this one came back to you right away! (kk)

Weren't Peter Lind Hayes and Mary on some old panel shows like To Tell the Truth or Match Game or something like that? I know I know those names. Other than the "be kind to your web footed friends" part, I don't remember the rest of the song.
Sounds like Peter and Mary (who were husband and wife, by the way) were pretty much TV regulars in the '50's ... check out this Wikipedia entry:
Click here: Peter Lind Hayes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In addition to a couple of television series, Peter and Mary sang the original "See The USA in Your Chevrolet" jingle before Dinah Shore took it over in 1952. While they don't mention "To Tell The Truth", it appears that Peter Lind Hayes appeared on the original pilot of the TV Game Show "The Match Game" back in 1962.

And, here's a clip of them on "What's My Line" (where they were celebrity mystery guests)
Click here: YouTube - Peter Lind Hayes & Mary Healey--What's My Line (kk)

Peter Lind Hayes and Mary Healy are possibly best known for appearing on stage and in films circa the early 1950s. They're both in "The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T" with Hans Conreid and a Dr. Seuss screenplay, complete with a musical score. It's a curiosity you either love or despise, and I'm one of the ones who just loves it. PLH and MH play Tommy Rettig's parents - Hayes sings "Dream Stuff" as the custodian within the kid's dream. It got an embarrassed laugh from the 2002 audience at the Music Box Theatre. Check "Peter and Mary" out on imdb.
Click here: IMDb Search
Bob Rashkow

I thought you'd find this link interesting. Crazy Mixed-Up Song was played in the 60s at the end of every show of Sing along with Mitch. Also, according to this link, it is a parody of this famous patriotic song, which had various versions including Three Cheers for the Red, White and Blue!
The Wikipedia article says, in part ...
Many other sets of lyrics, patriotic and otherwise, have been written for the last strain. Two of the most widely known such sets begin with the words "Three cheers for the red white and blue" and "Be kind to your web-footed friends". The "web-footed friends" parody, was sung at the end of every episode of the popular 1960s TV series
Sing Along with Mitch[3]. It was recorded by Homer and Jethro in 1955 as "Crazy Mixed Up Song" [4]. It was also heard in the Tiny Toon Adventures episode Hollywood Plucky, and an episode of Sesame Street; these parody lyrics are themselves are well-known enough to have spawned many other parodies of their own.
Be kind to your web-footed friends
For a duck may be somebody's mother
Be kind to your friends in the swamp
Where the weather is very, very damp [pronounced to rhyme with "swamp"]
Now, you may think that this is the end...
WELL, IT IS! [abrupt cut to closing credits]
Alternate ending: Be kind to the camel in the zoo, Because his hump might be hiding your brother (this replaces the ending two lines.)
I did a YouTube search, figuring for sure that I would find an old "Sing Along With Mitch" television clip featuring the gang singing this off into the closing credits ... but no such luck. Meanwhile, Tom Diehl DID track down a copy of the Mitch Miller version that was included on the first "Sing Along With Mitch" album. However, our "web-footed friends" segment is barely even noticeable ... all of the emphasis is on the opening track of the medley "Bell-Bottom Trousers". Knowing that MY family was one of those who sang along with Mitch, this is most likely where I heard it growing up. Finding out that it's STILL being used (in Disney pieces, Sesame Street and the Tiny Toons Movie) absolutely blows me away!!! Who'd have EVER thought?!?!? (kk)

Seems like the Mitch Miller version didn't mention "Crazy Mixed Up Song" by that title but rather referred to it as "Be Kind To Your Web-Footed Firiends".... to me, that just isn't the same as the Homer and Jethro tune.
In fact, the album track is called "Bell Bottom Trousers / Be Kind To Your Web-Footed Friends".
Tom Diehl
If what everybody else is saying is true ... which is that Mitch regularly featured this at the close of his television program ... it may have simply been a familiar-feeling after-thought to take it on to the end of his "Bell Bottom Trousers" recording ... especially since that track was also closing his first album. (That'd be MY guess anyway!) Seems like most of the people writing in today best recognize this as "Be Kind To Your Web-Footed Friends". (kk)
>>>Be Kind To Your Web-Footed Firiends (Tom Diehl)
It's probably better known without my typo in it LOL
Tom D.

Hey Kent,
I believe that the writer of "A Crazy Mixed Up Song" is Charles Randolph Grean ("Quenton's Theme" the theme from the TV show, "Shadows of the Night").
Charles was A&R for RCA for many years and was noted for his novelty songs (and thus, a hero of mine). "Never Been Kissed". "The Thing".
He managed Bobby Darin early on and I believe he produced the Spike Jones recording of "By the Beautiful Sea" - And just WHAT are those musicians singing? Charles RIP. He was a good friend to me.
Paul Evans
It WAS co-written by Charles Randolph Grean (before he scored a Top Ten Hit with "Quentin's Theme" from "Dark Shadows" (starring Jonathin Frid as vampire Barnabas Collins !) Talk about your novelty tie-ins ... Grean was ALSO married to Betty Johnson, who scored another one of my childhood favorites, "The Little Blue Man"! (kk)

>>>Then I found this:

Click here: Music You (Possibly) Won't Hear Anyplace Else: Novel Novelties--Crazy Mixed Up Song, The Disorderly Orderly, Dragn ... Unfortunately the link to play this tune has since been disabled ... and I couldn't find an email address to contact Lee Hartsfeld (kk)
Well, FH Reader David Lewis tracked Lee down ... and I copied him in on today's posting. So imagine my surprise when I heard back from him earlier today!!! (kk)
Thanks! Interesting post.
I do have a more recent posting of the song at my blog (mp3 still active):
But I see you got a file from the master of novelties himself!
As for the version you heard growing up, I wouldn't be surprised if it's the Mitch Miller version. It's on one of the sing-along LPs (not sure which off the top of my head) and includes the chorus only.
"Be Kind to Your Web-Footed Friends" is the title.
I suspect that Charles Grean combined two songs to create "Crazy Mixed-Up Song." He was a very accomplished public-domain swiper, needless to say. He had a long association with Merv Griffin, producing Griffin's hits with the Freddy Martin Orchestra and writing at least one ("Never Been Kissed"). He produced (and, I think, arranged) Merv's classic Halloween single on Mercury, "House of Horrors," which is in one of my Halloween "slaylists" for this year.
(Apologies if you know all of this already!)
I'll get back to you with the Mitch LP title. It showed up on a couple best-ofs for Mitch, and I'll bet the farm it's on YouTube under "Be Kind to...."
Great to hear from you , Lee. The response to our recent posting blew me away. Amazing how many people remember this song! Hope you'll continue to drop in from time to time! (kk)

Have you checked with your parents / siblings about your source for Crazy Mixed Up Song? Maybe they used to play it when you were very young, so that it became a stealth memory for you. As one writer mentioned, it may have been in oral tradition for some time before ever being recorded, like Kumbaya. Or, maybe you had it on a Disney Golden Record when you were 4 and just don't recall it. I remember Disney records, in 78 rpm, one of which was a narration of the story "Treasure Island". Must have been 4 or 5 years old at the time, and I can still quote pieces of dialogue from it, but I don't ever remember actually putting it on the turntable.

Rick Barr
Unfortunately, that's the problem ... parents and siblings are all gone now ... "there's nobody left to ask". (You have NO idea how many times THAT'S been a problem for me these last few years!!!) Sadly, in that respect, I'm officially the end of the line!

What amazes me is how many OTHER people ALSO remembered hearing this song ... or, after reading of my quest, remembered some long-forgotten childhood memories of their own. I keep saying it and saying it ... Don't EVER Deny The Power Of Music ... there's just NOTHING else quite like it! (kk)

>>>I think the song was in summer-camp tradition before Grean & Javits wrote it down, though I have no proof of that. (Dr. Demento)
I never heard A Crazy Mixed-up Song on the radio or a recording, but when I became the Scout leader for my son's and daughter's troops, EVERY large gathering included the singing of this song, as well as a couple of other silly faves. It is still being sung here at scout meetings in the northeast. Maybe because we have so much water???? and ducks????
Shelley J. Sweet-Tufano

As a small child, I heard this with lyrics that began:Oh, don't kick that fly in the legCause it might be some little fly's motherIn fact, my mother sang it around the house. Now I'm wondering where she got it ...
David Lewis

Hi Kent --
I never had a reason to contact you before, because I never had anything I thought I could add to the voluminous amount of information that your readers seem to possess. However, your piece on "A Crazy Mixed-Up Song" piqued my interest.
I was born in 1942, so it came out just about when I was getting interested in music, and I specifically remember getting in front of my class and teaching the song to the students (we must have had a very lenient instructor).

Anyway, none of the versions that you featured was the one with which I was familiar, because none of them had the fourth line right (or at least the way I learned it). It was not "in the middle of the night" but, rather, "and it rained all day that night". When you think of it, it makes more sense that way because it makes less sense that way, if you get my drift. There were several other minor variations (a word here and there) but that was the most glaring difference.
Dick Adler
Lecanto FL

My father used to love to sing that "Crazy Mixed-Up Song" (though he had a somewhat different melody). I always assumed he and the other GI's he served with in the Aleutian Islands sang it in World War II.That would make it older than the versions you played, though. Can't say for sure.

-- Ron Smith
Sounds like this one's been around for damn near forever! And in any variety of lyric versions, too! (I've told this story before and NEVER had a response from anyone else who remembered the same thing ... but when "American Pie" first came out, this guy I used to work with got ALL pissed off because he says that he and his buddies used to sing the "Bye, bye, Miss American Pie ... drove my Chevy to the levy but the levy was dry" line for AGES at their old hunting lodge ... and I had every reason to believe him because

A) he wasn't at ALL a musical guy ...
and B) the song was literally BRAND NEW ... it had JUST come out on the radio. He seemed incensed that somebody could steal a familiar chorus like that and turn it into their own hit record ... and make money doing so!
Yet in ALL these years since (38 now since "American Pie" first hit the charts), I've never met or heard from one single person who could corroborate this story. When you consider all the attention Don McLean's Ode To Buddy Holly got at the time, I have ALWAYS wondered about the origins of this catchy chorus! (kk)

Thursday, October 28, 2010


As promised, another round of "Helping Out Our Readers"!

Hey Kent -
I'm wondering if the folks on Forgotten Hits can help out with this one:

For one week in 1966, five of the top 10 songs were written by the Motown team of Holland - Dozier - Holland. What week was that and what were the songs?
It might take a back issue of Billboard to figure this one out, but it's quite a chart feat and I'd love to see the Top 10 that week.
Be Well,
Carl Wiser
I can't find any such week in 1966 where this occurred ... I even checked 1965 just to be sure (because, in MY mind, that was an even MORE prolific year for Holland - Dozier - Holland) ... but I can't find ANY instance in which these guys had written five of the nation's top ten songs ... not on Billboard's POP chart anyway. (Unfortunately, I have no way of checking their R & B Chart ... and I suppose this COULD have happened there ... but those aren't typically the statistics quoted here or in the general media.)
While much has been made of the time The Beatles occupied the top five spots on Billboard's Hot 100 Chart back in 1964, a feat NEVER accomplished before or since (they only wrote FOUR of those Top 5 Hits ... the other track was their remake of "Twist And Shout"), the chart statistic that's often overlooked is the fact that Barry Gibb wrote and produced five Top Ten Hits for a single week in 1978 ... TWICE!!!
He first accomplished this feat on the chart dated February 25th ... when "Stayin' Alive" (#1), "Love Is Thicker Than Water" (#2), "Emotion" (#5), "Night Fever" (#8) and "How Deep Is Your Love" (#10) were all firmly planted in The Billboard Top Ten.

Three of those hits ("Stayin' Alive", "Night Fever" and "How Deep Is Your Love") were recorded by Barry and his brothers Robin and Maurice as The Bee Gees ... "Love Is Thicker Than Water" was a hit for their baby brother Andy Gibb ... and "Emotion" would ultimately peak at #3 for Samantha Sang.
Incredibly, "How Deep Is Your Love" would spend FOUR WEEKS at the #10 Spot as it was working its way DOWN the charts! (It was #1 for two weeks beginning with the chart dated December 24, 1977.) When it finally fell out of The Top Ten the week of March 11th, Barry Gibb had to settle for only FOUR of the Top Ten Hits for a couple of weeks ... until "If I Can't Have You" by Yvonne Elliman broke into The Top Ten on March 25th, giving him FIVE Top Ten Hits again.
And, if THAT'S not impressive enough, consider this ...

A Barry Gibb composition / production topped The Billboard Hot 100 for FIFTEEN straight weeks during this stretch: "Stayin' Alive" was #1 for four weeks before it was knocked out of the top spot by "Love Is Thicker Than Water" (which held down the #1 position for the next two weeks) before being displaced by "Night Fever", which stayed #1 for the next EIGHT WEEKS before it was bumped out of the top spot by "If I Can't Have You". It would take Paul McCartney and Wings' #1 Hit "With A Little Luck" to break the streak on May 20th! (Even The Beatles and Elvis never accomplished THIS trick!)
This is not to in ANY way diminish the success of the songwriting team of Holland - Dozier - Holland ... during their career, the trio have written 70 Top Ten Hits, including 20 #1 Records ... yet, incredibly, have NEVER won a Grammy Award for their efforts! (In 1998, they were awarded an "honorary" Trustees Grammy Award for their songwriting accomplishments.) kk

If you're like me, you probably thought Neil decided to re-record his 1962 #1 hit, but as a 1975 slow version. However, while correct, it was actually crafted for Lenny Welch, modeled after his "Since I Fell For You" biggest hit. While Lenny's version did manage to crack the US Top 40 charts in 1970, it's not well known.
Seldom did Neil play piano on his hits.
Here's Neil Sedaka's demo of Breaking Up Is Hard To Do, 1968 -
Demo recorded at Dick Charles Studio, NY, 09-23-1968 ...

It appears Varese Sarabande released Neil's "Rainy Day Bells" demo on CD.
Was it Stereo or Monophonic?
I leave your Neil Sedaka / "Rainy Day Bells" query up to the stereo experts on the list. (I don't think I even have a copy of the Varese Sarabande CD you're referring to ... after I bought the 4 Import CD Box Set, I think I had more by Neil than I could ever even listen to ... honestly, too many foreign language recordings for my taste ... I just like the hits!)
Lenny Welch DID, in fact, release Sedaka's "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do" in 1970 and it reached #32 on the Cash Box Chart ... it would be his last Top 40 Hit. Two years later it made The Top 40 again when it was recorded by The Partridge Family (#25, 1972) before Neil took it back into The Top Ten with his own slowed-down remake of his 1962 chart-topper. (I will admit to TOTALLY loving Sedaka's ballad remake when I first heard it ... I thought it was an INCREDIBLE reinterpretation of a rock and roll classic ... and I apparently wasn't alone ... not only did it reach #7 nationally, but it was a #2 smash here in Chi-Town, too.)
Other charted renditions of this include The Happenings (#46, 1968) and, if you bend the rules a little bit, The American Comedy Network, who did a Top 100 Parody called "Breaking Up Is Hard On You", lampooning the phone industry, that reached #70 back in 1984. (And, of course, we recently featured yet ANOTHER parody, titled "Waking Up Is Hard To Do", recorded by a bunch of singing anesthesiologists!!! lol) kk

I remember this song (L. David Sloane by Michelle Lee) being played on WIND in Chicago in the 60s when I was but a wee lad (like 7 or 8 years old). I seem to remember it being a different voice, though, more like Brenda Lee or Lulu, but the memory of a 7 year old can be a bit off, I guess. Always wondered who sang this song, and what the title was ... all I remember was the words sounded like a woman really dissing or emasculating a man ... which, even at age 7, I would have understood because that's what my mother was like. Guess that's why the song always stuck in my head, especially the line "be a really big man for once in your life" because that's very close to the kind of verbal abuse I received from my mother as a child and teenager. Googled the lyrics every now and then for a few years before I finally got a hit at your web site. Thanks for solving my mystery! It helps to know my memories are fairly accurate.
R. McPatrick
Always kind of an obscure favorite of mine, we've featured "L. David Sloane" a couple of times now on the website ... here's the link YOU found (for any OTHER interested readers) and another clip of the tune (for anybody too lazy to back track! lol) kk
Click here: Forgotten Hits: L. David Sloane

Thanks! It's just one of those things it helps to hear to know I didn't imagine the whole thing ;) Do you happen to know if there was another version of that song, perhaps an earlier one?
R. McPatrick
None that I'm aware of ... at least not as a "hit" single ... of course, that's not to say that some other artist didn't cover this as an LP track or something ... but this is the best KNOWN version. (kk)

I like Joni James!!!
Joni James - There Must Be A Way - 1959
Pretty voice!!!
Attract her into FH with your magnetic personality!! :-)
There's a brand new "Best Of Joni James" CD set available through Collectors' Choice Music ... 2 CD's of ALL the hits. (Talk about your Forgotten Hits!!! Joni hit The National Top 40 thirteen times between 1952 and 1961 ... but when's the last time you heard ANY of them???)
"There Must Be A Way" went to #28 in Cash Box back in 1959 ... and her biggest hit was her chart debut ... "Why Don't You Believe Me" topped The Billboard Pop Best Sellers Charts for four weeks back in 1952. And, knowing what a stereo junkie you are, you might be interested to know that Collectors' Choice Music also claims that Joni's 45 release of "There Goes My Heart" was also the very first stereo pressing EVER of a single! (kk)
Click here: Collectors' Choice Music

Hi Kent,
Love your Forgotten Hits page.
Hope you can help me find this forgotten hit.
I am tying to locate a song.

I need the artist and title (mp3 if possible).
The song is from the 50's I think.
A kind of doo wop slow ballad. Words are:
"We met in a dream ... your arms open wide ...
and there in that dream ... what a sweet surprise."

Does this ring a bell?
Thanks for your help
Vinny B.
laffing goose productions
Well, I'm no doo-wop expert ... but we've got quite a few on our team. Let's see what they come up with! (kk)


Love your website!

Thought I’d ask a question about the Dave Clark Five with a local Illinois angle.

Several internet sites report that the DC5 played a place called Skaters Junction in Peru, Illinois, on June 19th, 1966.

While I certainly have nothing against the fine people of central Illinois …

What in the world were the Dave Clark Five doing at a place called Skaters Junction at the height of their career?

I did find this on a Peoria blog, dated Jan, 2007 …

Probably the saddest venue for a big name group was … The Dave Clark Five, playing in a roller rink in Peru, IL. This was in the spring of 1966. I won a free ticket from WIRL and they loaded up a school bus with all us winners and we were about the only people that showed up. The show was right on the rink floor, with about a hundred folding chairs in front of them. I was no more than ten feet from the band.

Very interesting! Thought maybe some of your readers might know more about this.
Hoffman Estates

While I consider myself to be a MAJOR Dave Clark Five fan, I never got to see the band back in the day ... too young at the time. This website lists EVERY appearance The DC5 made in The United States, 1964 - 1967 ... and, sure enough, Skater's Junction is absolutely on the list.

Click here: Forgotten Hits - Scrapbook Memories

Not sure of ANY of the circumstances ... looks like they played The Arie Crown Theater nearly every time they came to Chicago-proper ... and sad to hear that only a handful of fans showed up to see them.

I don't know that I would describe 1966 as "the height of their career" for The Dave Clark Five ... although the year started with their first (and only) #1 Hit still on the charts ("Over And Over") ... and they would go on to place five more songs on the pop chart that year ("At The Scene", #13; "Try Too Hard", #10; "Please Tell Me Why", #18; "Satisfied With You",#50 and "Nineteen Days", #45) their career had tapered off enough by this point that most fans and deejays considered 1967's Top Ten Smash "You Got What It Takes" (#7) a bit of a "comeback" record for the group. Unfortunately, it would prove to be their last Top Ten Hit.

I consider myself to be one of the fortunate ones who caught Mike Smith's U.S. Tour right before his accident. I can honestly say, without a moment's hesitation, it was WITHOUT QUESTION one of the BEST shows I have EVER seen in my entire life! Smith was in FINE voice as he traced his rock and roll roots all the way back to the beginning and then played a virtual Dave Clark Five Hit List, along with many more of his personal favorites.

Maybe some of our local readers can shed some light on this??? Meanwhile, you'll find a few DC5 Tour Program photos on our "Scrapbook Memories" Page on the OTHER Forgotten Hits Web Page:

Click here: Forgotten Hits - Scrapbook Memories

Hi Kent -
I met Elvis in Las Vegas around 1970 and, as you'll see, I got his and Roy Orbison's autograph on the International Hotel souvenir program. I also met Colonel Parker and asked him to sign it but I've never been able to find out what he actually wrote!
Can you help?

Davie Allan
P.S. I also sent this to the "Elvis Expert" mentioned on your website.
Well, I can't read it either ... but it's probably some type of standard greeting he would sign on things so maybe somebody out there knows ... or can read this!

(It's all Greek ... or would that be Dutch ... to me!!!)
GREAT photo! (We've also added it to our "Scrapbook Memories" Page!)
If the Elvis Expert ever gets back to you, please let us know.

And, when you have a moment, I would LOVE to get a review of this show from you! Thanks, Davie! (kk)

(click to enlarge photo)

And, speaking of The Elvis Expert, I just got this note from Cory Cooper ... sounds like he's doing a radio show this evening that you can listen to live online. Here's the info:

Here's some info about a radio show I'm on this Thursday at 6:00 PM PST with Elvis Decoded author, Patrick Lacy. The show is hosted by music author, R. Gary Patterson and Stephen Wren.
You can listen to the show live at
Cory Cooper

Thursday, October 28th @ 8 PM / CST - 9 PM / EST - 6 PM / PST

Pop Odyssey Radio

By the way, Cory also told me that HE thinks Colonel Parker's signature says "Lindsey Colonel P" ... not quite sure what that MEANS ... Elvis and Roy signed to "LINDA and Davie" ... and we'll probably never really know for sure ... but that's HIS "Elvis Expert" opinion. What do YOU guys think??? (kk)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Quite often we do a feature here in Forgotten Hits called "Helping Out Our Readers" ... in fact, I'm hoping to pull another one together for you in time for posting tomorrow ... But THIS time around we've been pursuing a song that's actually been driving ME crazy ... ever since I first received this email:

I'm looking for a couple of songs. The first one is called "Crazy Mixed Up Song" and it was written by (Charles Grean / Joan Javits) ... I believe it was recorded by either Homer and Jethro or by Billy Cotton and His Band.
The lyrics go something like this:

'Twas midnight on the ocean, not a streetcar was in sight.
The sun was shining brightly in the middle of the night.
A barefoot boy with shoes on stood there sitting in the tree
And when he put his glasses on, he heard this melody:

Be kind to your web-footed friends
For a duck may be somebody's brother.
Be kind to the denizen of the swamp;
He's a dilly through and through.
[Alternate line: Where the weather's always damp]
You may think that this is the end,
But it isn't 'cause there's another chorus.

'Twas midnight on the ocean when the rain began to snow
He hurried to me slowly 'cause the time had come to go.
I said I'd wait forever if it didn't take too long;
And suddenly we harmonized this crazy, mixed-up song:

Be kind to your web-footed friends
For a duck may be somebody's brother.
Be kind to the denizen of the swamp;
He's a dilly through and through.
[Alternate line: Where the weather's always damp]
You may think that this is the end,
But it isn't 'cause there's another chorus.

'Twas midnight on the ocean on the day I married him.
I didn't know his name was Fred, that's why I called him Tim.

Be kind to your web-footed friends
For a duck may be somebody's brother.
Be kind to the denizen of the swamp;
He's a dilly through and through.
[Alternate line: Where the weather's always damp]
You may think that this is the end,
Well it is.

And don't forget "Wet Dream" by Kip Addotta.
I'm a BIG TOC fan.
Not sure if this is a forgotten "hit", but it is one I haven't heard in ages
(and for good reason, I'm sure).
Have fun!
Bobby T
Huntsville, AL
"Wet Dream" by Kip Addotta is a GREAT novelty tune ... VERY cleverly written and one of my favorites. (I know, I know ... there's something fishy about that song ... but I like it!)

And, since we're talking fish songs ... and it's Halloween this weekend ... here's another Forgotten Hits favorite that we started featuring a couple of years ago:

As for the other one, ("Crazy Mixed Up Song") I recognized it IMMEDIATELY as soon as I read your lyrics ... and the entire melody came back into my head ... yet despite listening to both the Homer and Jethro version and the Billy Cotton version (thanks to Tom Diehl, who sent me copies of BOTH), I didn't recognize EITHER of them as being the one I heard growing up as a kid.

A quick check of all the charts (both Pop and Country) didn't help ... because this record never charted by ANYBODY!!! So how the heck did I know it?!?!?

It HAD to be something that was played and / or sung around the house when I was a kid growing up ... but there's nobody left to ask!!!

I even went back to check Joel Whitburn's Pop Hits Book, 1940 - 1954, thinking maybe THAT'S why I couldn't find it ... but it didn't chart THERE either!!!

Can ANYBODY tell me how it is that I might know this song ... virtually word for word?!?!?

It's literally driving me CRAZY!!!

(Which, I guess, is kind of the point of a "Crazy Mixed Up Song"!!! lol) kk


The song was issued in 1954 on Essex 353, b/w "Lonesome Lover."

I've never heard the song nor seen a copy of the 45, but there are two copies for sale cheap on this website:

– Randy

Not only will I bet that you HAVE heard it before (without even realizing it) ... but that you'll be able to sing along before it's even over ... and then scratch your head and wonder out loud "Where The Hell Did THAT Come From?!?!?"

Give a listen and see what you think. (kk)

Interesting ... the guy knows the song and has located a few versions, but is looking for a specific version. Usually, people who write are just wanting the song itself.
Jerry Osborne
And now I need to hear it, too! Hoping somebody will come up with a copy! (kk)

Then I found this:
Click here: Music You (Possibly) Won't Hear Anyplace Else: Novel Novelties--Crazy Mixed Up Song, The Disorderly Orderly, Dragn ...

Maybe THIS is the one I remembered?!?!?

Peter and Mary ... before there even WAS a Peter, Paul and Mary!!! (lol)
(Of course it's a completely DIFFERENT Peter and Mary ... but I still thought this was kinda funny.)

Unfortunately the link to play this tune has since been disabled ... and I couldn't find an email address to contact Lee Hartsfeld ... so then I got to thinking,
"Hey, maybe The Three Stooges or somebody like that cut this song on one of my old kiddie records from way back when!!!"

(Like I said, it's driving me CRAZY!!!)

I couldn't stand it any longer ... and finally had to consult my Doctor ...

Regarding "Crazy Mixed-Up Song" ... I recently played the ca. 1953 record by Peter Lind Hayes & Mary Healy on my show.
I recall that Homer & Jethro also recorded it, as did other artists ... and I think the song was in summer-camp tradition before Grean & Javits wrote it down, though I have no proof of that.
At there is a searchable database of virtually all the songs I've played on the show through the years, indexed by title and artist.
Stay deeeeeeeeeeeeemented!
- Dr Demento

And, thanks to the good doctor, we now have this version to share with you, too ... STILL not the one I remember hearing growing up unfortunately ... which makes me think more and more that maybe The Three Stooges did this on one of the old kiddie records I had ...
but we've certainly got a wide batch of "crazy" to share with you today!!! (kk)

Click here: The Online Internet Site for Information on Dr. Demento music, songs, lyrics and chat.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Forgotten Hits Concert Review: PETER NOONE and MICKY DOLENZ (Saturday, October 23rd, at The Star Plaza Theater in Merrillville, Indiana

It's impossible to go to a Peter Noone concert and NOT have a good time!
He's the consummate performer and knows exactly how to play to an audience ... very charismatic and entertaining every step of the way.

What I really enjoy about a Peter Noone / Herman's Hermits concert is the bond Noone creates with his audience. Granted, many are extreme fans who have seen him perform dozens of times, but he plays to everyone in attendance, especially children.

Noone seems truly committed to providing an entertaining show without holding himself at a distance from the audience. He is witty and very much at ease with a crowd; bantering and full of humorous anecdotes. Whatever he has done throughout the years to maintain his vocal ability has worked wonders;
he sounds as good today as he did 45 years ago.
-- Frannie (Mrs. K)

I totally agree!
ALWAYS a good show (and this was one of the best!)

Both Micky AND Peter (no, not THAT Peter!!! Peter Noone!!!) were in top form Saturday Night at The Star Plaza Theater in Merrillville, Indiana (the butt of countless jokes that night) ...

Early on, Noone quipped that ALL of The British Invasion Acts had their dreams early on in their careers ...

The Beatles wanted to play Shea Stadium ...

The Rolling Stones wanted to play Carnegie Hall ...

And Herman's Hermits ALWAYS dreamed of playing in Merrillville, Indiana!!!

Vocally both artists sounded as good as they've ever sounded and their back-up bands (especially Peter's) were incredibly tight, providing a PERFECT wall of sound for both Micky's and Peter's vocal gymnastics.

Micky kicked things off with The Monkees' big 1986 comeback single "That Was Then, This Is Now", a Top 20 Hit after MTV resurrected their TV Show by playing it in heavy rotation, a move that, coupled with Rhino's re-release of their entire catalog, put The Monkees back on the charts numerous times for the rest of the decade ... and spawned countless reunion tours with at least two ... or three ... and once all FOUR original members. (With the 45th Anniversary looming around the corner, one can only hope that SOMETHING will materialize again next year!)

An added bonus was the fact that Micky's back-up band included Vance Brescia, who wrote "That Was Then, This Is Now", on bass guitar ... later doubling his duties as Peter Noone's lead guitarist, musical director and chief choreographer! (lol) This guy's a show all by himself!

Dolenz ran through many of The Monkees' biggest hits including a few surprises
... "Words" and "She" were especially nice to hear again ... and he even did a couple of Davy's tunes ("A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You" and "Daydream Believer", which received one of the biggest ovations of the night ... I can't even imagine that it could have gone over any better had Davy been there himself to sing it!!!)

Also included were "Last Train To Clarksville", "Pleasant Valley Sunday" and, of course, The Monkees' BIGGEST Hit, "I'm A Believer" which, Dolenz pointed out to all the kids in the audience, HE sang WAY before Shrek ever did!

Micky also did a KILLER rendition of The Beatles' "Oh! Darling" (more on that below) and "Johnny B. Goode", the song he said he auditioned with for The Monkees, that ultimately won him the role.

Surprising: Only one cut from Micky's new CD "King For A Day" was featured.
(See our review here:

Click here: Forgotten Hits: King For A Day)
He and his sister Coco sang "Crying In The Rain" one of the CD highlights.

Coco also did "Different Drum" as a tribute to fellow Monkee (and the tune's songwriter) Michael Nesmith, who penned the tune for Linda Ronstadt ... it became her very first hit with The Stone Poneys at the height of Monkeemania back in 1967.

Even MORE Surprising ... Shocking Really ... was the fact that Micky's new CD was NOT on sale at the merchandise table in the lobby!!!
What's up with that?!?!?
The guy's got a brand new CD out and instead they were hawking a live disk that Micky recorded a while ago. Seems like this was a truly missed opportunity here to show that Micky is still making GREAT new music at this stage of the game. That, along with his recent "MyRecordFantasy" disk should have been prominently displayed.

Click here: View the Videos! MyRecordFantasy

As for Peter Noone ... untoppable ... virtually ALL of the hits were presented in full-length, PERFECT sound ... "I'm Into Something Good", "Can't You Hear My Heartbeat", "Silhouettes", "Mrs. Brown, You've Got A Lovely Daughter", "Wonderful World", "I'm Henry The VIII, I Am", "Just A Little Bit Better", "A Must To Avoid" (introduced as "She's a Muscular Boy"), "Listen People", "Leaning On The Lamp Post", "Dandy", "There's A Kind Of Hush" and "No Milk Today" ... every one a Top 20 Hit back in the '60's (and even that meant leaving out a few other legitimate Top 20 Hits like "East, West", "This Door Swings Both Ways", "Don't Go Out Into The Rain" and "Museum" and "I Can Take Or Leave Your Loving"!!!)

Frannie was emotionally moved by Peter's reading of "End Of The World", which she described as "absolutely brilliant" ... and every non-musical moment was filled with well-scripted, fine-tuned-to-perfect-timing comedy vinettes, including some great ad-libbed bits when things went "less than perfect" on stage!

A must-see show for ANY fan of great '60's music. Herman's Hermits were one of the top three acts of The British Invasion, holding their own with the likes of The Beatles and The Dave Clark Five (and out-selling The Rolling Stones for YEARS during their hey-day. And yes, Noone did his spot-on Mick Jagger imitation Saturday Night, too! As well as Johnny Cash, Johnny Horton and Tom Jones!)

He looked and sounded great ... as physically fit as I've ever seen him (I meant to ask him backstage what kind of vitamins he takes ... man, I was exhausted just WATCHING him from the audience!!!) He describes himself as a "17 year old boy trapped in a 62 year old man's body" ... but I swear his earlier quote to me (during our Forgotten Hits Interview a few years ago) stating that he can "pass for 35 in the dark" couldn't be more true!
(You can read the whole interview here:
Click here: Forgotten Hits - Forgotten Hits Interviews Peter Noone)

Another highlight of ANY Peter Noone show is the self-described NOONATICS, Peter's legion of devotees, who never miss a show. (We sat with two of them who, we found out later, are also regular Forgotten Hits Readers!) In addition to raw enthusiasm, they also bring their Union Jacks, their light-up wands and their own choreography to each performance. They're almost as much fun to watch as the show up on stage.

If you've never been to a Peter Noone Concert, I can only say ...

Why the hell not?!?!?!!!! What's wrong with you?!?!?!

You're not going to get more bang for your buck anywhere else on the oldies circuit ... Peter is Herman is Peter ... and he's having a BALL doing this again!

-- Kent Kotal / Forgotten Hits

A few on stage (and backstage) photos, courtesy of Michele Abrams:

Peter and Kent, backstage dressing room, pre-show

Micky Dolenz with Michele Abrams
(who took the rest of these photos)

Peter Noone ... with wood
(Guess we were BOTH pretty excited to meet backstage! lol)

Actually, his wardrobe closet collapsed right before our very eyes!

I reminded him that all great rock stars trash their hotel rooms,

NOT their dressing rooms ...

and typically AFTER the show, not before!

(By the way, Peter told me that he ALWAYS listens to Jimi Hendrix
before going on stage ... says it inspires him ...

and let me tell you, Hendrix was BLASTING in his dressing room while I was there)

Peter Noone ... Center Stage ...
the consummate performer

Michele also sent me this review of the concert, published on her Oldies Music News Web Page: Click here: Oldies Concert News & Reviews

On October 23rd, 2010 I had the privilege to attend a concert featuring Micky Dolenz and Hermans Hermits Starring Peter Noone at Star Plaza.

Micky Dolenz, best known as a former member of The Monkees, took the stage, at 8 pm. The experience started smoothly with a song titled, “That Was Then, This Is Now”, written by Vance Brescia. The tune was an upbeat comeback song as a part of The Monkees’ 20th anniversary reunion tour in 1986. (Brescia was on Bass for Micky for this show and later took his regular spot on Guitar for Herman's Hermits Starring Peter Noone.) The show progressed rather effortlessly. Micky and Coco (Micky’s Sister) played off of each others vocals first-class on the great Howard Greenfield and Carole King’s“Crying in the Rain" which is on Micky’s new CD, King For a Day. I did rather enjoy Coco on the song “Different Drum”, written by Mike Nesmith and best known as a #13 Billboard Hot 100 hit in 1967 by the Stone Poneys who featured Linda Ronstadt . Moving to one of my favorites... the vocals and sound of Stepping Stone was actually very amazing ... I thought for sure there was going to be some sort of trick to get the harmonizing and “Stepping Stone Sound”... I was paying careful attention and I believe it was all 100% real vocal harmonies with little if any help on the tech end. I was exceedingly impressed. Sleepy Jean was the highlight... complete with waving arms and swaying in the seats... Just a little more “oomph” and it would have given chills. The stories about Hendrix opening for The Monkees in 1967 only to hear during his (Hendrix’s opening act) the crowd chanting “We want the Monkees” and the visit to Abbey Road to hang with the Beatles added a bit of humor and nostalgia to the show.

Then we come to Mr. Noone.

Based on the Grand Entrance, you would have thought the Queen herself was visiting with a Rock Twist. The band marching, the fans on their feet with glow sticks, Union Jack shirts, flags, towels, and even phone cases! You name it; it was there.

A great feature to every Peter Noone show is his Dedicated Fans! ... The Noonatics! They were there in full force from all over the Nation and even in from Canada for this show. Peter seemed to enjoy every moment. He especially paid attention to the younger fans in attendance, giving them free CD’s and throwing and kicking T-shirts out from the stage, joking with the youngsters to make copies for all their friends.

When a fan presented Noone with an old Herman's Hermits album cover, the younger crowd received a brief history lesson on what “CD’s used to look like” and everyone else got a good chuckle out of it. The Age of Technology meeting the Golden Age of Pop Rock. A particularly funny part of the evening (though there were many!) was when he held the album cover from the audience over his face and sang. He then began to walk back across the stage only to realize the picture of his head was backwards at that point.

The music was great, covering the hits such as “Mrs. Brown, You've Got A Lovely Daughter”, “Heartbeat”, “Henry The VII” among others, and of course “There's A Kind Of Hush All Over The World”. The additions of brief stints of music from the Stones, Tom Jones, Johnny Cash, along with Peter's comedic emphasis and takes on portraying the mannerisms of such artists, kept all eyes on the stage.

Overall the show was a sort of trip down memory lane with comedic flare and even some off stage adventure (which for a moment looked like he may not make it back onto the stage only to add more of a “in good fun” tone). Peter at one point stated he is “a 17 year old boy, in a 62 year old body” I know I, and many others were left feeling a bit younger after having such an amazing musical adventure. Herman’s Hermits Starring Peter Noone is a show you should not miss.

This Concert Experience was definitely an Affirmation that Laughter is good for the soul, but Laughter and Good Music is even Better.
~ Michele Sweeney Abrams

We also got to meet Forgotten Hits Contest Winner Janis Johnson at the show ... earlier in the week, I had sent her a "friendly reminder" that the Peter Noone Concert was coming up this Saturday, to which she replied:

You seriously did not just remind me that Herman is coming, did you??!!!

The outasite fact that Peter Noone will be here is all I can think, breathe, dream about this week!!! I am only seconds away from wanting to make an "I Love Herman!" sign!!!I am going absolutely, positively NUTS with excitement over this!!!

Yes, I'm crazy for Herman, and in a cosmos maybe only you can understand, at some point, as a young teen, I knew I would always like this guy! The fact that he still sells out shows, and tours every weekend means that thousands of his original fans picked well!

I will write to you after the show, (once they revive me, that is, because he still makes me feel faint!!!)

Love, (and thank you and Peter Noone!!!)


And here is Janis' review (also published on Peter Noone's website at

Here it is. Duck and cover, because I write (and throw) like a girl!

Thank you, again!

Warning for you Forgotten Hits fans:

I am, was, and always will be a Herman girl, so that’s who I write about.

And since I am a girl, I have a female slant on things that will be painful for guys to read.

But, we are the other half, and something that kind of peeved me in the 60s was that girls were never given “credibility” regarding the artists we chose to follow.

If a guy liked The Beatles, it must be for their lyrics, but if a girl like Herman, well it was Teen Idol thing.

The issue is really about entertainment, and it seems when girls make an artist or group famous, that gets trivialized through a male-dominated lens.

Value equals value equal value.

Women loved and “got” Herman! And while there were four Beatles, one guy, Peter Noone really led Herman’s Hermits to fame. Both my brothers are Viet Nam veterans, and one was a real HH fan. He told me their albums were played in Phu Bai all the time (as well as The Fifth Dimension, so go figure? Kind of different than what the movies say was the soundtrack for our generation’s war.)

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Unfortunately, even if a film director WANTED to showcase Herman's Hermits music in a film about the Viet Nam Era, they most-likely would have been denied the opportunity to do so, thanks to the iron-fist tactics of one Allen B. Klein, who wouldn't license Herman's Hermits material for such projects. Again, check out our FH Interview with Peter for more frustrating details on this matter ... Peter had to go out and re-record "I'm Into Something Good" for inclusion in "The Naked Gun" film ... and then be careful not to make it sound TOO much like the original for fear of further scrutiny and legal actions with his one-time arch nemesis! kk)

Present day: Just when I thought life couldn’t get any better, I won tickets through to see Herman at Star Plaza in Merrillville IN.

Peter Noone, himself, donated the tickets, so I felt like I was sitting in magic seats! I arrived at 5:15 with “contest winner” written all over my face! We went to Old Chicago (not Hooters) for dinner before I came back to the box office and got my free, FAB seats! The acoustics were either perfect from where I was sitting, or Noone just never quits having the most gorrrrrrrgeous voice in the world!!!

Micky Dolenz was the opener and was in really decent voice coming off of his London gig. He was a lot better than when I saw him with Herman at a Teen Idols show in Milwaukee last November! But as I said, I am a Herman girl, so it will take a Monkees fan to do Micky justice! He put on an entertaining show, and looked fit and full of energy. Side note to Monkee fans: we could see Micky just hanging out in the lobby of the Star Plaza for about 45 minutes last night. Lots of folks went up to him and he made himself very accessible. That must be a dream come true for you guys! I just kept spinning my head around ala Linda Blair, looking for Herman, but no such luck! He knows our tricks and is wise to us!

Micky’s sister Coco sang my favorite Linda Ronstadt song, A Different Drum, but that’s meant to be a little wistful, and she took the point of view, like “sorry buddy, don’t have time for you” as the meaning. I was still thinking about this when Herman came on, and then all systems were go, and the night began.

(Okay, Kent, I’ll watch out for your guy readers. Men, leave the room.)

My big moment is always, always when Herman takes off his jacket. Off came the suit jacket, and he stood there in his white shirt, and a dark grey tie, and I could just climb all over him when I see him like that. I am younger than Peter, but l feel like a cougar to be feeling those thoughts about him, just because he looks so fabulous, so I will chill here. But wow! Every time he does Tom Jones, or pulls the pants legs up in front (who cares about the joke about the short pants, I am waaay more interested in the other effect of this gesture!), I can’t take my eyes off of him!

Every song hit the universe like it was meant to be here forever. No Milk Today was muscular, Sea Cruise was insanely good, with the hand gestures (anybody else notice how Peter sends out energy through his hands?! Whew, give me some, please.)

Listen People was pin drop beautiful. How can the same guy do Sea Cruise and Listen People, and deliver the goods on both?

Everyone stood for Henry, and speaking of standing, he regularly had people just walk up to his stage. A young girl got a kiss from him for giving him a cake (note, every single time Peter kisses anyone, anywhere, in his public life, and I note it, I am supremely aware of this fact. I can cite you every time I’ve seen it.) Woulda, could, shoulda.

He was silly funny, asking Vance where is Marie, when the joke is “where’s Donny” so thinking beyond to what the comic step should be made it a whole lot funnier for me! His charisma is unparalleled and I know lots of people with this quality, but his is bigger. (that’s what she said.)

He asked for tees and CD’s and Rich went to procure them, and Carol delivered them to the stage. One he kicked stage center, and it must have walloped someone, which was friggin’ hilarious, and lots he kicked pretty awesomely deep into the rows. I am always aware of Peter Noone as a hockey or football type which makes all Chicagoans love him.

One reveler seemed to revel too much, and I saw an ambulance later, and wondered if it was for him? Peter left the autograph line to go out there, so there’s an insider view of the character of Noone. Fans “feel” that Peter cares about us, and last night, one fan got “big time” proof positive of that.

I’ve been scanning stuff in from scrapbooks the last day or so, and so I was in a Herman state of mind when I got there. It was almost too much for me to hear those hits, and see Peter Noone. Big, big, night in magical seats. As I said, I don’t begin to write like a guy would about my entertainer, so you are stuck with this girl review.

Thank you again ... I had a wonderful night! Love you both, for giving me the tickets. Okay, actually, I only love Peter, but I thank you, Kent, for being the portal to get me to him last night!

Noone is the best performer in the world.

Bar none.

Bar NoOne.

-- Janis

Glad you had a good time ... pretty much impossible NOT to!!! (kk)


In our never-ending committment to always establish "The Most Accurate Truth" when it comes to our musical legacy, we simply could not fail to address this issue ... especially after we received this (and several other emails just like it from other show attendees):

Peter's opening act, Micky Dolenz, told a story about being invited to The Beatles' Sgt. Pepper session at Abbey Road studio in '67 (Hello MonkeeMan!). He said John pointed to George Martin, up in the booth, and said "Play him the song we've been working on", and then said "This is what I heard" ... and Micky went into "Oh! Darling."

I need more info on how this can be.

Was "Oh! Darling" a song being considered for Sgt. Pepper, but then not released until Abbey Road years later? Or did Micky confuse things, because in 1977 Robin Gibb sang this in the movie Sgt. Pepper?

Do you guys have any thoughts on this?

-- Janis

I actually heard from several of our FH Readers who were at the show last night regarding this comment from Micky. Here's the scoop ...

In 1967, The Monkees were, for all practical purposes, the "new" Beatles ... they captured the teenage market that The Beatles were leaving behind with their more sophisticated work like "Rubber Soul" and "Revolver". As The Beatles embraced the studio and all it had to offer (not to mention a deeper involvement with drugs and the musical inspirations this provided ... most of us would have NEVER suspected in a million years that our new heroes were sampling many of the same "herbs and spices"), The Monkees were who most of us remaining teens grabbed on to to still get our "pop" fix.

When The Monkees visited England in 1967, The Beatles were hard at work at what would ultimately become the "Sgt. Pepper" album ... and Micky and Mike both attended recording sessions ... photos and filmed footage of these meetings have circulated for over 40 years now.

Micky has told that Beatles story for at least the past 20 years ... but, speaking as someone who has seen him perform at least 20 times, it NEVER used to have anything to do with "Oh Darling" which, of course, came from "Abbey Road", an album The Beatles recorded a couple of years later.

Unfortunately, what used to be a great, interesting intro is now just an excuse to launch into his FABULOUS rendition of "Oh Darling" ... no doubt about it, this man can sing, and he proved it last night and every night of the recent Happy Together Again Tour ... but sadly this new comment raises the element of "inconsistency" and doubt into his performance ... as you'd be hard pressed to find an audience member that doesn't know EVERY single track on "Sgt. Pepper" by heart. (Give your audience a little more credit, Micky ... we LIVED this stuff!)

Instead, he'd be better to tell the "Sgt. Pepper" session story (which is 100% true, by the way) and then say something along the lines of "... and this whole experience inspired me to sing THIS one for you tonight" and THEN do his fantastic Beatles-tribute.

With a catalog as well known as The Beatles', ain't NOBODY gonna think "Oh Darling" came from the "Sgt. Pepper" sessions ... besides which, Paul recorded THAT track virtually by himself, something truly ate at John Lennon for the rest of his life ... making Micky's John Lennon story seem even LESS credible!!!

Micky Dolenz and Paul McCartney, circa February, 1967

For the record, Micky and Mike DID visit Jolly Ol' England in February of 1967 ... and both attended recording sessions for The Beatles' landmark "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" album. In fact, Mike was at one of the sessions for "A Day In The Life", perhaps the centerpiece of the whole LP!

Micky, on the other hand, buddied up with Paul McCartney and did some "clubbing". According to well publicized reports (and using Andrews Sandoval's EXCELLENT reference book, "The Monkees: Day By Day"), Micky first met McCartney on February 6th at a London disco. McCartney then invited Dolenz back to his house in St. John's Wood in London, where he played him a couple of new tracks The Beatles had been working on. Dolenz said at the time "We just sat around listening to the tracks from his next LP and he played us 'Penny Lane' and 'Strawberry Fields.' They're both beautiful numbers, but I prefer 'Strawberry Fields' ... it's more progressive. It's the kind of music I want to do." (Micky also met his first wife, Samantha Juste, during this visit when he made a guest appearance on the popular British television show "Top Of The Pops".)

Several days later, Micky DID attend a Beatles recording session ... but it was for the Sgt. Pepper LP track "Fixing A Hole", NOT "Oh! Darling" (which wouldn't be recorded until two years later!)

On January 27th, 1969, Paul McCartney sang a little snippet of "Oh! Darling" for the very first time ... in fact, you'll find exactly one line in the film "Let It Be", which was also taping that day. The Beatles wouldn't return to this song until April 20th, where they laid down 26 "live" takes, most of which could simply be called "rehearsals". They returned to the track a couple more times but never sat down to do a proper recording.

According to Mark Lewisohn's excellent book "The Beatles Recording Sessions" (and well documented MANY times since), Paul would come into the studio alone and literally SCREAM the lyrics to "Oh! Darling" again and again and again, trying to get the right amount of "roughness" to his voice to capture the vocal the way he heard it in his head. Abbey Road Engineer (and future recording star) Alan Parsons recalls sessions held on July 17th and 18th:

"Perhaps my main memory of the 'Abbey Road' sessions is of Paul coming into studio three at two o'clock or 2:30 each afternoon, on his own, to do the vocal on 'Oh! Darling' That was a feature of the 'Abbey Road' sessions; you very rarely saw all four Beatles together. It was either John or Paul or george working on their various things, perhaps only getting together to hear something back. But Paul came in several days running to do the lead vocal on 'Oh! Darling'. He'd come in, sing it and say 'No, that's not it, I'll try it again tomorrow.'

"He only tried it once per day ... I suppose he wanted to capture a certain rawness which could only be done once before the voice changed. I remember him saying 'Five years ago, I could have done this in a flash,' referring, I suppose, to the days of 'Long Tall Sally' and 'Kansas City.'"

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Not only was Micky Dolenz not there for any of these sessions ... but none of the other BEATLES were there either!!!)

Lewisohn goes on to say:

"John Kurlander also witnessed these overdubs. 'I think Paul wanted this 'first thing in the morning' quality or maybe it was 'last thing at night.' Whatever it was, he came in early each day, an hour before anybody else, to do his piece, always replacing the previous one until he got the one he liked.'"

Further attempts were made on July 22nd and July 23rd, when Paul FINALLY nailed what became the final, released version.

Over the next eleven years, John Lennon made no secret of the fact that he was upset that Paul tackled this recording on his own ... he would have LOVED to have been on these sessions, considering it to be one of Paul's very best rockers. He once remarked in an interview "I always thought I could have done it better ... it was more my style than his. He wrote it, so what the hell, he's going to sing it."

Personally, I couldn't even imagine it any other way ... "Oh! Darling" was probably the FIRST song that REALLY grabbed me the first time I listened to "Abbey Road" all the way through ... and it's remained one of my all-time Beatles favorites ever since. Now Micky Dolenz does an INCREDIBLE job with this song ... but he was NOT there for ANY of these recording sessions. Quite honestly, by late 1969 there weren't a whole lot of people left who cared anything at all about The Monkees ... their television show had already been off the air for over a year, their records had stopped selling and the band was very quickly splitting up. During the recording dates cited for the "Oh! Darling" sessions, Dolenz was here in The States, performing live shows and working on what would become The Monkees' next LP, "Present". There is absolutely NO correlation between the "Sgt. Pepper" sessions ... that Micky really DID attend ... and this McCartney classic. (kk)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Sunday Comments ( 10 - 24 - 10 )

It's another heavy dose of Forgotten Hits Comments ... a little bit later than normal (hey, we had a late night last night ... saw Peter Noone and Micky Dolenz in concert at The Star Plaza ... more on that next week!) ... but better late than never! Enjoy!

>>>And I still maintain that if a record was good enough to make The Top 20, then it ought to receive SOME airplay ... so, based on that criteria, you'd have to include "Release Me" (#3, 1967); "There Goes My Everything" (#20, 1967); "The Last Waltz" (close enough at #21, 1967); "Am I That Easy To Forget" (#18, 1968); "A Man Without Love" (#18, 1968); "Winter World Of Love" (#13, 1970) and "After The Lovin' (#5, 1977). kk
Hi Kent,
Now that you have mentioned it, Engelbert Humperdinck doesn't seem to get much space on blogs, air or even Forgotten Hits. I have known 'Enge' for many years, going back to when he was Jerry Dorsey (a name one must never mention in his company or you will ostracized for life). I toured with him as Jerry and did many recordings, broadcasts and television shows with him as Engelbert. I don't know whether you know this but he was hospitalized for two years with TB as Jerry Dorsey and following visits from Gordon Mills, who was in a local harmonica trio, they got together and, along with Tom Jones and a name change, hit the big time. Last time I saw Enge was in Florida, playing to a full house of what can be best described as 'The Blue Rinse Brigade.' I was on all the records you listed and very occasionally hear them on the radio. Unfortunately, the accent being on very occasionally. It is a shame, as he is a great performer and entertainer and should have a much higher profile. I do seem to write to you about these stars of yesteryear but after all it is 'Not Quite Forgotten Hits.'
Very best wishes.
Vic Flick
I'm not denying that Engelbert deserves a spot SOMEWHERE in oldies rotation ... the man had some very big, legitimate hits (back in the day when EVERY kind of music could be played together side-by-side without segregating your audience!) Remember the fuss caused in Great Britain when Engelbert's recording of "Release Me" prevented The Beatles from hitting the #1 spot for the first time!!! Unreal! (kk)

Dear Forgotten Hits:
A friend of mine's mom just loves Englebert Humperdinck! She has lots of his music. When I read your 10/17/10 online edition of The Sunday Comments, I had to write in and tell you this. I have heard some of his music and I like the song "After The Loving". I just had this thought about how maybe, for her mom's next birthday or Mother's Day, I could help my friend get ahold of some Englebert Humperdinck paraphernalia. Do you or anyone out there know about how to do this? I would appreciate it very much if I could find out about how to do this.
Leonora "Leah" Jordan
Well, I'm happy to mention it but your best bet is probably to check Humperdinck's website for authentic merchandise ... or eBay for some of the older, more collectible stuff. Meanwhile, let's see if any FH Readers are forthcoming with some ideas and suggestions. Good Luck! (kk)
Click here: The Engelbert Humperdinck Online Store
And here's another one for all the Engelbert fans on the list!

Last month when we were celebrating The Biggest Songs Of Summer, we had some discussion about a song called "Tamoure'" by Bill Justis ... just got word from Music Expert (they don't call him "Mr. Music" for nothing!!!) Jerry Osborne that his latest column covers this in great detail, too ... check it out!!!

Your recent column about Hawaiian music gives me hope you can provide some information about a record that must have been from the Islands.
In mid-1963, amidst all the dance, surf, and hot rod hits, was a Hawaiian vocal by a female group. It may be titled “Dance of Love,” or at least they use that line.
I know where I was — taking summer classes at Northwestern — and I know this was a big hit in Chicago. It was played as often as other songs, but, unlike “Surfin' U.S.A.” and “It's My Party”, this infectious tune has, to my knowledge, never been played again anywhere. When I ask for help identifying it, no one even knows what I'm talking about.
Do you?

— Sandi Mason,
Kenosha, Wisc.
Here's Jerry's answer ...
I do, but only because of the Chicago connection. There are, as you're about to learn, many possibilities.
Your mystery song is “Tamouré” (tam-or-RAY) one of those countless 1963 dance numbers. But, unlike the bird and bossa nova, the Tahitian-born tamouré never caught on in America — neither the record nor the dance.
The “Tamouré” in the WLS Top 10 in Chicago is by Bill Justis (Smash 1812), and it peaked at No. 7 in late May and early June.
Bill Justis is the famous sax player whose “Raunchy” (1957), is a R&R classic, yet neither he nor his sax is heard on “Tamouré.” He is the arranger and conductor, but the un-credited vocals are by the Stephen Scott Singers.
Despite many Polynesian cultural connections between Tahiti and our 50th state, there is nothing Hawaiian about “Tamouré.”
The real tamouré, a dance with extreme booty-shaking maneuvers, can be done to many different recordings, most of which are a variation of “Vini Vini.”
The earliest U.S. release of “Vini Vini” is on the 1958 LP by Terorotua and His Tahitians, titled “Lure of Tahiti” (ABC-Paramount 271). It is sung in their native language.
For about four years, the tamouré remained relatively unknown beyond French Polynesia.
Then in 1962, in France itself, a tamouré craze struck, fueled by recordings such as “Dansez le Tamouré (Elle Est Partie le Tamoure) [“It is the Tamouré Party] “Special Danse” featuring “Tamouré Vini Vini” (Vogue EPL 8-049).
This is why the picture sleeve for the Bill Justis “Tamouré” single reads: “The French Dance Rage Comes to America.”
Well, it definitely came to Chicagoland, as reported in the June 1, 1963 Billboard:
“CHICAGO - Bill Justice's [sic] “Tamouré” on Smash was the hottest of the new sides here last week.”
Far beyond Chi-town and France, a tamouré tune could be heard on nearly every continent in mid-'63.
From that same magazine comes this rave from George Hilder in Sydney, where “Tamouré” is No. 1 in Australia:
“The current sensation in the local industry has been the phenomenal success of “Tamouré” by Bill Justis [Philips BF-26]. It jumped from No. 89 to No. 1 on the Top 100. Philips started to publicize the disk with a double-page spread in a Sunday newspaper five weeks ago, which aroused immediate interest. Paul Turner of Philips organized a national tie-up with the Fred Astaire studio and a dance competition with the winning couple receiving a flight to Tahiti, plus $100 expense money” (before you laugh, that is approximately $1,000 in today's money).
The Australian picture sleeve shows the title as “Tamouré (The Dance of Love),” the sub-title being the line in the song that stuck in your memory.
That sleeve also promotes the Philips dance contest with a “Win a Wonderful Flight on TEAL to Fabulous Tahiti” banner.
Elsewhere, local recordings topped their respective charts. Especially noteworthy are “Wini-Wini” by Die Tahiti-Tamourés (Polydor 24-991), in Germany, and “Wini-Wini” by the Waikiki Tamoure (Triola TA-5), in Scandinavia. In Japan, rather than a version by one of their own, Philips repackaged the Bill Justis “Tamouré” (Philips M1055).
Inexplicably, this American (Nashville) recording by an American artist was enormous overseas and never even made the Top 100 in America, though that didn't keep numerous others in the States from trying to claim a piece of the tamouré mania so successful elsewhere.
Among those efforts are: “Tamouré” by Don Costa (Columbia 42785) (1963); “The Tamouré Shake” by Lester Lanin and His Orchestra (Epic 5-9624) (1963); “Tamouré, Tamouré, Amoure” by Joye Bell (Glass Piano 201) (1964); “Tamouré” by Carlos Rubio (Fontana 67515) (1964); “Vini Vini (Tamouré)” by Manuia & Maeva (Almo ) (1965); and “Vini Vini (Tamouré)” by Dick & Dee Dee (Warner Bros. 5652) (1965).
I'm told the Dick & Dee Dee tune was a minor hit in Hawaii.
IZ ZAT SO? Two tamouré records actually did make the U.S. Top 40, but only because each is merely the flip side of a hit:
“Orange Tamouré” is the B-side of “Charade,” from the 1963 film of the same name, by Henry Mancini & His Orchestra (RCA Victor 47-8256), and on the reverse of “Hawaii Tattoo,” by the Waikikis, is “Tahiti Tamouré” (Kapp 30) (1964).
-- Jerry Osborne
You won't BELIEVE how much you'll learn on Jerry's site ... here's a link you'll want to bookmark and check often:
Click here: "MR. MUSIC" . You'll find a new feature posted every week (and watch for an upcoming piece on "Davy Jones Presents", inspired by ANOTHER feature we did recently here in Forgotten Hits! Jerry's detailed answer will appear later this week.) kk

Kent ...
We were talking about Lada Edmund, Jr, the Hullabaloo Girl. She's pictured with Herman's Hermits, The Beatles and The Beach Boys. As she's sitting there with the Beach Boys, I can almost hear her singing "I Get Around."
I have to take you back to the 40's for my female junior. The Modernaires had a female singer - Paula Kelly. She was later replaced by her daughter - she always went by Paula Kelly, Jr., so we could tell the difference between the two.
Frank B.

... and, speaking of Female Juniors ...

>>>Another female “Jr.” is soul singer R. B. Hudman, Jr., who recorded two singles for Bill Lowery’s 1-2-3 label and another for Atlantic. She’s shown with the “Jr.” only on the first

1-2-3 release.(Michael)
The late Robert B. Hudmon, Jr. (I believe only a couple of his releases said R.B. Hudman while most others said R.B. Hudmon) would be insulted at you calling him a female! He was just a kid when he cut his records; hence why he sounds the way he does.
He cut a version of Joe South's tune Yo-Yo (first recorded by Billy Joe Royal but turned into a huge hit a few years later by the Osmonds) as R.B. Hudman for A&M records in 1968 when he was just 13 or 14 years old ... He died just a few weeks after his 41st birthday, in 1995.

R.B. Hudman's version somewhat follows the arrangement of Billy Joe Royal's version ... I believe Joe South produced R.B.'s version as well -- I'd have to dig my 45 of it out to be 100% sure but right now it's not easily accessible.
Tom Diehl

Hi Kent,
Just reading over the comments from the last couple of days.
Did you say that Bobby Sherman was the host of Shindig? Someone did, but actually it was Jimmy O'Neill. The voice of Jimmy was also in an episode of The Flintstones. He played the host of Shinrock, and Betty and Wilma wanted tickets to see the show with special guests the Beau Brummelstones. Ann-Margret was also featured in an episode.
Ah, The Flintstones ... I love 'em!
My bad ... Jimmy O'Neill WAS, in fact, the Host of "Shindig" ... Bobby Sherman was just one of the "regulars" who performed often on the show ... ironically YEARS before he'd have his first official hit on the charts. (He was already gracing the covers of all the teen magazines, however ... and continued to do so for years to come!) His BIG acting break came on the television series "Here Come The Brides" and for two years he dominated the pop charts with hits like "Little Woman" (#1, 1969); "La La La (If I Had You)" (#9, 1970); "Easy Come, Easy Go" (#7, 1970); "Hey Mister Sun (#23, 1970); "Julie, Do Ya Love Me" (#3, 1970); "Cried Like A Baby" (#10, 1971) and "The Drum" (#22, 1971). He first recorded back in 1962.
DIDJAKNOW?-1: The Shindogs (the back-up band that performed behind many of the regulars and guest stars on the series) included such luminaries as Glen Campbell, Delaney Bramlett, James Burton, Billy Preston, Larry Knechtel and Leon Russell!
DIDJAKNOW?-2: When "Shindig" was finally cancelled in 1966, it was replaced by the camp / cult hit "Batman"!
As for The Flintstones, we did a feature YEARS ago spotlighting Ann-Marget's role as Ann-Margrock and even ran a clip of The Beau Brummels performing as The Beau Brummelstones!
Check out this YouTube clip ... you'll even see Jimmy introduce the band!
Click here: YouTube - Beau Brummelstones "Laugh Laugh" (Live)
Click here: YouTube - Ann-Margret singing as Ann-Margrock

... and, speaking of corrections ...

Kent ...
Read this in today's newspaper:
In a collision of classical music and classic rock, the New York Philharmonic is suing Cheap Trick. The 1970's power pop group had the temerity to list the orchestra on linear notes of its Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 40th Anniversary recording, a suit filed in Manhattan Federal Court says - Cheap Trick "falsely suggested to the public that the New York Philharmonic, or members thereof, performed on or otherwise participated in defendants'
record album," the suit says. The suit cites the Philharmonic's illustrious 168-year history, and suggests the rockers behind hits like " The Flame " and "I Want You To Want Me" confused the New York Philharmonic with the Los Angeles Philharmonic. I guess they feel it's an insult to be listed on a rock album.

Frank B.
Some people have absolutely NOTHING better to do ... than to complain about falsely being accused of actually being HIP for a moment. Unreal!!! (Now if it really WAS The Los Angeles Philharmonic, I could understand THEIR being pissed ... and, for all anybody knows, Cheap Trick performed these tracks with any variety of orchestras across the country ... how would one really recognize themselves from another when they're all playing from the same score?) But hey, it gets Cheap Trick's name back in the news for a change, so all is good. (I remember many years ago when a Creedence Clearwater Revival album came out titled "The Royal Albert Hall Concert" ... many years later, they discovered that these tracks were actually recorded at The Oakland Coliseum!!! When the LP was re-released in the '80's, it was retitled "The Concert" ... and simply left at that ... probably the SAFEST way to go on some of these live deals!!! lol (kk)

... and, speaking of live concerts, here's the latest on our Live Garage Bands Series!!!

>>>And, since I didn't get ANY takers on somebody naming the alley behind their house "Forgotten Hits Alley", I've moved on to my next campaign ... anybody got a DRIVEWAY they wanna name after us?!?!? Think about it ... The Forgotten Hits Driveway ... and then once a month we'll throw a Concert In Your Garage ... an OFFICIAL Forgotten Hits Garage Band Concert ... LIVE from The Forgotten Hits Driveway!!! (C'mon ... it's got a certain ring to it, doesn't it???) And we can bring back Garage Bands in the process! Any takers?!?! (kk)
I have two driveways available for naming rights. Also I just had a new furnace installed in my shop and it, too, is available for naming rights.

I was returning from THE bakery ... (the pecan pie one a few towns away) ... and noticed (again) the street sign put up to honor RIchie Sambora in Woodbridge, NJ ... and although it's a great honor, it ain't much of a street!

No houses, no street addresses ... it's just a side road that leads to the high school parking lot. NOT THE MOST PRESTIGIOUS LOCATION ... But I'd take anything for myself!
Put up a RENFELD BOOGALOO BLVD. sign on a 10 foot dead end and I'm in hog heaven!!!
Oh sure, now EVERYBODY'S gonna get into the act!!! (lol) Now I'll NEVER get my Forgotten Hits Driveway!!! Hey, if you can buy your own star on The Hollywood Walk Of Fame, then why not!!! (kk)


Just a few comments if I may while I peruse your Sunday Comments.
This first comment will just take a MINIT.
Scott Shannon this past Friday during the noon hour gave a great tribute to General Johnson. Here in OKC back in 1961, IT WILL STAND was a very very big record. I don't really know why the record label. re-released it in 1964. I am sure they had their reasons. To me, the Showmen's IT WILL STAND and Danny and the Juniors' ROCK AND ROLL IS HERE TO STAY, go hand in hand.
As for the Chairmen of the Board, as you know, they had a song in 1971 entitled CHAIRMEN OF THE BOARD. There weren't all that many records, I believe, in which the artist and or recording group had a song whose title was the same as the name of the group or artist.
One final thing about the Showmen. They had a followup in 1962 called THE OWL SEES YOU which made our local survey. No other records by them, the Showmen, made the survey.
Larry Neal

"It Will Stand" by The Showmen was a VERY big record here in Chicago, too ... it went all the way to #5 when it was first released back in 1961. (Nationally, it stopped at #58 in Cash Box!) For the longest time, Bob Stroud used the "Rock / Roll" intro to kick off his Rock And Roll Roots Radio Program. (He still may for all I know ... I'm rarely up at 7 AM on a Sunday to find out!!! lol) We've featured a few "same as" songs before in Forgotten Hits ... "Yellow Balloon" by Yellow Balloon, "The Boys In The Band" by The Boys In The Band ... of course, there's also "Bad Company" by Bad Company ... and a few others ... but you're right, not a whole lot of them. (One might think this shows a little lax in imagination??? Kinda like George Foreman naming all eight of his kids "George"?!?!? lol) kk


Just learned of the General's passing this morning.

I am Surfside's distributor - General Johnson and the Chairmen of the Board's label.

They just released a new CD in August. I have worked with General and his label people for the last six years, and he has been a pleasure to work with - a great guy!
Here is the link for his latest cd:

He was a fabulous guy - very sad.

Clay Pasternack
It's always sad when we hear about these losses ... but great to know that General Johnson kept doing what he loved doing best ... recording AND performing ... right up to the very end. Thanks for the link for the new CD ... I think some of our readers may be interested in purchasing a copy. Thanks, Clay! (kk)

It is availble on line through as well as in best buy stores in the "beach music" region.


Hi Kent ...
In 1965 (???) General Johnson came to the Madara and White offices and played us a bunch of material ... he was looking for a record deal. We never did work out a deal with him but I believe he went to Swan and made "In Paradise".
I really liked this record a lot and just found a copy in my old records. If you never heard this, it's a great record for that period in music. I really liked him. The other singer in the group was Eddie Custis, who we recorded for Guyden records as the Hearts. We were friends ... great guy.
Attached is the Swan Record and a demo of Eddie Custis singing one of our songs. David and I always said he was the best male singer we ever worked with.
Your Friend,
John Madara

... and, speaking of John Madara ... and the on-going Philly Records mono / stereo issue ... here are a few more words in that area!

>>>I can see John and Allen Klein in the courtroom battling it out over the Cameo-Parkway catalog. Neither John or Allen publishes anything other than the "norm" that was available decades ago. Same with Bunny Sigler, mono, when Stereo LP was available. He should know this! Look at Elvis, look at The Beatles and other artists ... stereo, alternate takes, karaoke, etc. But when it boils down to Philly, nothing from the norm. Like old school thinking! This was brought to my attention over ancient monophonic Spokesmen CD! Let's get with it, Philly!!! (Jersey John)
Perhaps John decided to reissue the album on cd in mono because mono copies of the recordings are all he has in his possession or maybe that is the way he prefers to hear the recordings himself. After all, in 1965, when the Spokesmen were popular, mono was STILL outselling stereo in America by about 3 to 1. Even going on ebay, I see more mono copies of Bunny Sigler's Parkway LP than I do stereo copies ... so a couple of years later, perhaps they still preferred mono in Philly, too.
My own mother (a Philly native, by the way) used to tell me that she and her brothers would buy the mono versions because they were cheaper, even though they had a high end stereo system at the house since the early 60's because my grandfather was huge into buying all the latest gadgets and such. I still have my mom's mono pressing of Sgt. Pepper, too (unfortunately it's not in the best condition).
I'll throw in another plug for John's fabulous Len Barry: The Lost LP cd here:
Yes, the cd is all mono, too, and certainly some stereo recordings could have been used (for some of the previously released tunes, anyway, I know for the unreleased songs all John had was the mono acetate LP shown on the cd cover), but there isn't one bad song on the cd, just crank it up on your cd player and go about the daily chores around your house and you won't know or care that it isn't stereo.
As for Bunny Sigler in stereo, I don't believe John was even involved with the stereo mixing, or else wouldn't he have made sure the correct take of Let The Good Times Roll / Feel So Good would've been used on the LP? Yes, it's an alternate take on the stereo lp! The stereo version of Girl Don't Make Me Wait turned up on a bootleg cd many years ago (it is rechanneled stereo on the LP) ... I would love to see that make a legitimate reissue, but that won't happen within my own lifetime and I'm more or less 50 years younger than all of the people involved in making that record.
Anyway, give ABKCO some credit, there are two previously unreleased recordings on the Collector's Choice Music cd, Remember Me Baby: Cameo Parkway Vocal Groups Volume 1.
One unreleased recording by the Tymes (Did You Ever Get My Letter) which was also recorded by the Dovells under the name the Liverpools on Wyncote records (A Cameo Parkway subsidiary), as well as an unreleased Dovells recording called Short On Bread that sounds like You Can't Sit Down revisited. If you bought all of the six CCM reissues earlier this year all at once, they sent you a free promo sampler to go with the set that included yet another unreleased recording, an Italian version of So Much In Love by the Tymes, which they say will never be reissued by them anywhere else ever.
By the way, looking at the Collector's Choice Music website, I see that the new John Zacherle cd is being released in a week and next month there are two-fers by Dee Dee Sharp and the Dovells being released, as well as the previously available as a download-only Holiday Hits collection. Let them get this stuff out in mono first (or stereo, if it was indeed initially released that way), Jersey John, and then worry about them putting out stereo, alternate takes, etc later, OK??
Tom Diehl

And then this from John Madara himself on the mono / stereo issue ... and a VERY special release!!! (lol)
Please let Jersey John know that I'm putting the STEREO version of the Spokesmen CD together along with bonus tracks. I'm doing this for Jersey John as a special release.
During the 60s we did do it in stereo, but the radio stations wanted MONO, and in the case with Cameo, all those multi track tapes have disappeared.
I agree with John that a stereo mix sounds great, if the multi track tapes are available.
Your Friend,
Philly John
A little studio talk wouldn't hurt, too!!!Tell John, if you wish, I'll buy the CD, as an act of appreciation. Wouldn't hurt if John autographed it!! I'm pushing it! :)You're tops, Kent!Thanks!Best,

Jersey John
Uhhh ... yeah, I'd say so!!! (lol) kk

>>>in the case with Cameo, all those multi track tapes have disappeared. (John Madara)

Makes me curious ... why and how? Any possibility others are holding them? Are they, without a doubt, destroyed / lost? I would LOVE to hear the Cameo / Parkway catalog with alternate versions, out-takes, studio talk, etc. ... no doubt they once existed. Just seems odd what only remains, from both John and ABKCO. Makes little sense to me.Thanks!!

p.s. I contacted John through Cristy Webb; hope for a reply with my Spokesmen CD demands :-)

p.p.s. Same with Billy Harner - where are his studio tapes!!?? He seems to care little at satisfying fans.
And, speaking of John Madara, there is now a Facebook campaign to get him a rightful star on The Philly Walk Of Fame ... you can post your comments at the link below:
Facebook (1) Give Johnny Madara a STAR on the Philadelphia Music Alliance Walk Of Fame.

... and one more from John Madara's private collection ...

Hi Kent ...
Attached is an unreleased Joey Heatherton single from 1965 along with a picture from my personal collection.
John Madara

Photos: Disco Ball at The Taj Mahal « WCBS-FM 101.1
Kent ...
I want you to see what i missed, by not going to the Disco Ball. Notice the Village People are down to just one. Cowboy, Randy Jones. It must be hard to spell Y - M - C - A with one person. LOL !
Frank B.
Sorry, Frank, but I don't think I'll EVER be bored enough to look at all 48 of these pictures!!!
Then again, maybe if The Village People updated their act and sang "AARP" instead ... like THIS guy suggests:

>>>The stars of Broadway's BEATLEMANIA LIVE will perform this Saturday, October 23rd, at the historic Arcada Theatre in St. Charles, Illinois. (Ron Onesti)
Kent ...
You wrote about the stars of Broadway's "BEATLEMANIA LIVE" appearing in St. Charles, IL.
Is that what they call "Off-Broadway?" LOL!
Frank B.
Actually, I think this one might even qualify for Off Off Broadway!!! Seriously 'tho, Ron Onesti continues to bring a wide variety of entertainment to his Arcada Theatre ... always something for everybody ... and this is no exception. (Of course since "Beatlemania" first debuted a few decades ago you can't seem to go more than a couple of blocks without running into another Beatles Tribute / Sound-Alike Band ... and there are some DAMN good ones out there ... but "Beatlemania" staged as a full production is something well worth seeing. (kk)

How I uncovered this, I don't know ... however, it's a 7 part documentary that is an incredible look at LA and the music scene from the Byrds to the Eagles and how things evolved. This is well worth your time to enjoy ... I have included part 1 of 7 and you can figure out the rest from there (parts 2 - 7). If you have any problems let me know and I'll guide you through it. It's the evolution of rock 'n roll as we know it. Happy weekend to all ...
Wild Bill

Last week we featured Nancy Sinatra today ... check out this vintage clip we found last week!
Click here: YouTube - Nancy Sinatra Bang Bang
i have the nancy version from kill bill on my mp3 player ... lol ... love it ...

Kent -
I have been following your recent newsletters and all about the Hall of Fame ... great to see all the enthusiasm and interest ... Long Live Rock-n Roll.
As a note to you and your readers, Jumbo just created our first video for YOUTUBE featuring one of our tunes from the album we recorded for Lou Adler and his ODE 70 Label.
It features "Truckin'", a tune I wrote to compliment the dances of the 30's and the Zap comix of the late 60's along with amazing footage of legendary dancers from that era.
We never had clips of the band in concert or on stage, so this video and future musical contributions to our video library will feature our music and unusual classic footage to entertain our fans. Check out the first entry ...
Truckin'- Jumbo on youtube.
Thanks again...
Mike Baxter and the guys from JUMBO
Actually, this is a VERY clever and well put together video ... thanks for sharing, Mike! (kk)

And a quick stop on Doo-Wop Corner for the next two!!! (lol) kk

Kent ...
10/19/10: Today is Larry Chance, lead singer of the Earls, 70TH Birthday.
Kent, I consider you to be a music expert.
Answer me one question: If Larry is singing "A cappella with his Friends" --
why are they playing music ?
Frank B.

YouTube - The Earls "Acapella with My Friends"
I dunno ... but they're sounding pretty good doing it!!! (kk)

Hi Kent -
Here's a note from my friend Joe McCoy of CBS-FM in NYC regarding this video by the Teen Tones.
I had mentioned in my original note that I hadn't heard of this group. As you get into the video you can see Robert klein much more clearly -- he is doing the bass parts and lead on the bridge. Check it out.
Danny -- Those Teen Tones have Robert Klein (comedian) singing in the group. He's the guy behind the lead singer. I guess there were a lot of Teen Tones back then since our group (me, Bobby Ricca, Mike Miele, Danny Galves & Alan Jeffries) had the same name. I think we were at a Ted Mack Amateur Hour tryout with them.
Quite a few artists that we came to know as comedians first got their starts as musicians ... I've had it explained to me before ... something about the "timing" that makes the whole thing work ... almost a natural progression ... plus, of course, the love of going up on stage in front of an audience and entertaining them. (We ran a vintage clip of George Carlin recently singing a GREAT doo-wop song on the old Arsenio Hall Show.) Thanks for sharing, Danny! (kk)

>>>All I can say is, sucks to be him! TeeHee ... love those double ee's (Stacee)

>>>This just SO sets me up for a "I love those Double-D's" comment, Stacee ... but I'll pass! (kk)
I am awed by your restraint.
Seriously, I do enjoy your sense of humor. I look forward to the little comments you add to the blogs.
Thanks for doing what you do.
Well, we more than make up for it THIS week, Stacee!!! Check out the clip below! (kk)
Kent ...
She gets my vote for your next clip of the week. She's very talented. LOL !
Frank B.
They Call Her the Crusher

Interesting story about the anesthesiologists. There's a local band here in Nashville composed of anesthesiologists who call themselves "The Painkillers." They don't do spoofs but they do pretty good covers of sixties and seventies pop / rock songs.
David Lewis
And just a few weeks ago John Stamos (now starring on the hit television series "Glee", where he portrays a dentist) "gassed" several of his female patients, each of whom, while under anesthesia, had their own Britney Spears fantasy! (C'mon ... do you REALLY need an anesthesiologist to fantasize about Britney Spears?!?!? See, NOTHING on that show resembles real life!!! lol) kk

>>>In 12 years, we have never really done a Halloween tribute in Forgotten Hits ... but we've now received several requests to do so. If you have something that you'd like to contribute ... other than the usual "Monster Mash" / Bobby "Boris" Pickett stuff ... we'd love to hear from you. If we get enough material, we'll run something over the Halloween Weekend. (kk)
This coming week, I'm not sure on what day it starts, on my internet show,, wandermag on air, I will be saluting Halloween.
I will not be playing Monster Mash or Witchy Woman. It lasts about 25 minutes and it starts about 35-40 minutes into the show. If I have time, I am going to play Ding dong The Witch Is Dead. Also a certainty is The Shaggs.
We've actually received several suggestions for Halloween-themed music ... so let's see what we can put together! (kk)

Hello Kent -
Furvus here again from The Fifth Estate.
If you are looking for some cool Halloween music you might look to The 5E's Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead. It always gets more airplay around Halloween. I guess it's that rather obvious WITCH connection there, but there is so much more to that song than that. It was already a big tune from the "Most Watched" movie of all time The Wizard of Oz.
Ken "Furvus" Evans
Believe it or not, we heard from half a dozen jocks this weekend, ALL of whom told me that they were going to feature The Fifth Estate's recording of "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead" as part of their Halloween programming this year!!! Now how cool is THAT?!?!? (See, we really CAN help influence what gets played on the oldies stations!!! lol) Meanwhile, look for lots more Fifth Estate / "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead" comments later in the week. (kk)

And THIS sounds like a fun time ... if you happen to be in the area ...

Please join us for a howling good time.

As you know, seating is limited so get your tickets early

Saturday, October 30: Have your Halloween party with us!
Jerry's Wicker Park ... great bar with gourmet sandwiches
1938 W. Division Street, Chicago
Prizes for the best costume
Come as your favorite rock star or celebrity!
10 p.m. - ????
Jimy Rogers and Blue Road
ALL kinds of local Halloween parties going on ... Scott MacKay of The River-FM is also hosting a Halloween Bash ... come dressed as your favorite rock star ... all kinds of prizes and great give-aways. More details on The River web page (kk):
Click here: 95.9 The River

Hi Kent ...
How's this on the cool factor for Halloween ...
Carl Bonafede will be doing a special interview with Paul McVay, Radio Host of "Drive-In of The Damned" for his Halloween Special on October 30th ... check out Pauls Website for Time Specifics
"The "Screaming Wildman" of Chicago Radio in the 1960's, Carl Recorded the classic "Werewolf" single and we are definitely going to touch upon that subject ... but Carl has a deeper story to tell.
He's helped shape countless careers and has had a definite influence on Rock N Roll in general."
- Paul McVay
You can also visit
- Michele Abrams
PS a special Thank you to Joe Pytel for his help in getting the sound file for WereWolf

By the way, Larry (The Wax Museum) Neal sent me a 4-page long list of some of the songs that he used to feature for Halloween ... quite impressive ... and LOTS of obscurities and off-the-beaten path tracks ... some of which I'm sure NOBODY has heard of before. Must have driven the programmers and engineers crazy ... especially when you consider this little note he sent me! (kk)

This is somewhat humorous in a way. You are probably familiar with the music licensing agreements radio stations have with organizations like ASCAP and BMI. Well, when I did my show, I had to write down the records I played A lot were rare and / or obscure titles. When BMI and ASCAP received the logs in the mail as to what records I had played so that they could give whatever to whomever who wrote the songs, I can just imagine some of the looks on their faces when they saw some of the records that I played.
We'll try to work in a few of Larry's favorites during our extended Halloween coverage next week! (kk)

Hi Kent,
I am sending you the link to Dr. Elmo's new Time Life release, "Bluegrass Christmas".
Dr. Elmo is best known for his Christmas hit, "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer," which has sold over 11 million copies. But Elmo started out playing Bluegrass, and has continued playing Bluegrass in spite of his success in the humorous genre. In fact, he helped popularize Bluegrass in the San Francisco Bay Area with his Bluegrass Radio Show on KSAY, 1969 - 1971, "The Great San Francisco Bluegrass Experience."
You can listen to the album here:
Dr. Elmo Bluegrass Christmas Press Kit - Click to play!
Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer iTouch / iPad app trailer (available any day!):
For even further information, please visit:
Dr. Elmo's Facebook page
Dr. Elmo's Bluegrass FB page
Thank you so much ... and (an early) happy holidays!
Pam Wendell for Dr. Elmo
Here's a copy of the official press release:
Dr. Elmo of "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer" Infamy Releases New Bluegrass Christmas CD on Time Life

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (October 6, 2010) - Dr. Elmo, the voice and wit behind the ubiquitous Christmas classic "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer," returns to his beloved bluegrass roots with a new holiday album, Bluegrass Christmas. Originally a bluegrass artist prior to selling 11 million copies of “Grandma,” the Kentucky native recorded the album with a clever reworking of his signature song; a new, instrumental and – yes – bluegrass version for the disc along other holiday fare including “Jingle Bells,” “Greensleeves” and “Deck the Halls.” Bluegrass Christmas is currently available in stores and major online retailers via Time Life.
The incredible success of “Grandma” derailed Elmo Shropshire’s bluegrass career for thirty years, taking him away from his band, and radio show, the Great San Francisco Bluegrass Experience, where he played the banjo. His secret dreams of leading the bluegrass renaissance and conducting the New York Philharmonic’s version of Camptown Races faded as quickly as “Grandma” took over the top spot on the Christmas charts (unseating Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas”). But Shropshire never stopped playing the banjo, finally recording Bluegrass Christmas as a labor of love.
One of the few living recording artists of a true holiday classic, Dr. Elmo has, become a Christmas tradition. The unstoppable strength of his novelty song has spawned an animated television show, several parodies and cover versions in heavy metal, folk and for children. His myriad live, in-studio television and radio performances are eagerly awaited seasonal highlights, and DJs phone from around the globe for on-air Christmas commentary.
More info at the Dr. Elmo website! (kk)

Kent ...
I hear Wild Wayne finally signed up ... maybe you could print this if you have the space.
Wild Wayne's Memory Machine on Sunday's 6 to 8 P M, Eastern Time. Great oldies.
This week is pledge week. $50 gets you a smoke colored sweatshirt.
Go to for details.
Meanwhile, here's Wild Wayne's latest clip of the week ... Steve Allen & Fats Domino!
Frank B.
Yes, Wild Wayne is one of our newest list members! (We've been plugging his website for years!) Hey, we're in favor of anybody and EVERYBODY who's out there doing their part to help keep this great music alive ... and in that department, Wild Wayne's a champ! (kk)

Hi Kent,

It's been a while but I still am digging the work and postings you do (which is mind-boggling). The other day I was just enjoying the information and saw our promo for our San Felipe gigs. I almost fell off my chair. Thank you so much for the mention. I would never have expected it. Keep up the good work and be well, my friend. My wife, Sandi, and I always enjoy your information. Your website is a one of it's kind!

Warmest Regards,

Denny Flannigan

San Felipe Baja, CA Mx.
Then you'll REALLY dig the mention of your Halloween Show above!!! (lol) Thanks for the kind words, Denny, I really do appreciate it! (kk)

Hello Kent,

I can't believe I won the Apple CD! Thank you!

Thank you again and keep up the great work on Forgotten Hits. It's a great site.

Chris Glutsch

Thanks, Chris ... the CD should go out next week! (kk)

>>>If you'd like to see a copy of this photo, simply send $5 to Forgotten Hits and we'll email you a copy! (Just kidding ... maybe! Hey, we've got to figure out SOME way to make a buck doing this after all these years!!!) kk

Kent ...
LOL!!!! No ... The Photo is free ... :)
That being said ... Forgotten Hits is Priceless!
Don't forget ... if you are in the Philly, NY area ... we are appearing in a huge show this weekend, Saturday October 23rd, with Charlie Thomas and Shirley Alston Reeves!
Mitch Schecter / The Rip Chords
Report back to us about the show, Mitch ... hope some of our readers were able to attend.

Is there something new I missed? I tried to follow the link to read the posting and I had to set up a Blogger account to do so, and the website to set up the Blogger account won't let me set one up (though I'll continue to try). By the way, really enjoy your site ... when I can get there, lol.
Anita Anderson
Yeah, I have NO idea what was up with that ... NOBODY could access the site through the link (including me!!!) But I think it was just a one-time glitch (and all is right in the world again!) Thanks! (kk)

>>>And, since we sent you a BAD link this morning ... we'll send you a GOOD Linc tonight (kk)
Very funny ... I much prefer photos of the Mod Squad, as opposed to yet ANOTHER copy of Herb Alpert's Whipped Cream and Other Delights! Hope you are well, Kent. I am still out here!
No more link jokes please, in honor of Jimmy Dean's passing.
Alex Valdez / The Yellow Balloon

Whew! A KING-SIZED Edition after all!!! More to come next week so stay tuned!